On May 20th, Danielle Hatherley, Janice Sugg & Melanie Warsinske united to present remarkable new work for Mirada Fine Art's 'EMBRACE' Exhibition. While stylistically different and created using a myriad of techniques individual to each of the featured artists, the commonality of the work is the awe inspired by the western landscape. The paintings reflect the embracement of that awe, capturing the beauty of both the vast intimate scenes, as well as the emotion instilled by it, on each canvas.

Rather than writing in a journal, Melanie Warsinske utilizes brushes and canvas to document her life path, preserving her memories and emotion. Traveling the world as a child with her family she was fascinated by the shapes and textures she encountered in nature. She saw clouds, water, even the human figure as movement and form. When she began painting, she translated those surroundings to emotion, then transforming them into visual representations.

Born in Albury, Danielle Hatherley was inspired to capture the beauty of nearby Sydney's spectacular harbor and beaches in artistic forms. While attending university, she met renowned Australian artist, Ted Blackhall, who became her lifelong mentor, and first introduced her to painting en plein air. The experience brought both Danielle and her art to life. She recalls, "I knew from that moment on I couldn't do anything else than paint."

Raised in Denver, and forever a Colorado artist at heart, the impressive landscape and expansive horizons surrounding Janice Sugg heavily influence her. The horizon often appears within her work, both metaphorically and physically - a line that initially seems appears distinct disappears only to reappear, shifting, blending, twisting, turning. As Janice organizes space in her compositions, horizontal banding and chromatic impressions built from the landscape emerge. Interweaving textures and unpredictable color palettes blend, resulting in layers that are progressively wiped and refined to reveal imagery. "I have always loved Colorado and consider painting in the West my greatest privilege, as well as a challenge and adventure," states Sugg. "Within each painting I remember the atmosphere, the weather, the people surrounding me and the mood."


EMBRACE will be on view at Mirada Fine Art from May 20th to June 18th.

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